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Monday, October 5, 2015

half training 2015.3.1

As expected, I signed up for one more half marathon this year, before marathon training kicks in.  This one will be down in Gilbert in late November.  I really want that sub-2! And I also need motivation to stay in shape until the marathon training starts. This cold weather is not encouraging to me.

Monday: 3 mile treadmill run, 8:58 pace. Then, went to Restorative Yoga that night, which consisted of lying around for an hour.  I am okay with this kind of yoga.

I was sad I did not run outside once I saw this sunrise.

Tuesday: 5 mile urban trail run, 8:58 pace once again.  I am getting a bit tired of Buffalo Park so I went over to my personal favorite trail to get the longer-isn runs in.

These mountains though.

Wednesday: Full body workout in the AM. 

Thursday: Rest - had a late flight out to Austin for the weekend!

I always have liked this drive to Phoenix.  In the daylight like this preferably.

Friday: Austin City Limits... more to come. 

Saturday: 10 mile run on the Lady Bird Hike and Bike Trail in Austin.  So... according to my training plan, I actually had two more runs left in the week - a 3 miler and a 5 miler.  Since this trail was a 10 mile loop, and it seemed pretty scenic.. I just went for it. Ended up running at an 8:53 pace, though my splits did not go in the direction that I wanted.  Anyway - beautiful run! We ended up kayaking after which was probably pushing it as far as my energy levels, and I already woke up with a sore throat... 

This week, I have 20.5 miles of running planned, and I will start getting into the routine of strength training AFTER running as that what I will have to do in marathon training mode.  I don't mind running after work..but strength training is just not as fun to me though I know it has been key with preventing injuries. 

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