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Sunday, January 31, 2016

marathon training week 9

Almost two months until the big day! Here's what this last week looked like.


Easy cross training - treadmill for 44 mins, 4.3 avg pace @ 4.5 incline.

Starting to use My Fitness Pal again to keep myself more accountable about eating healthy for the next few months. Probably need to tweak these percentages.


4.8 mi / 8:41 pace

How I feel lifting with speedwork sweat.

Felt really good with these intervals - 10 min warm-up, 4x800m with 1:30 recovery intervals, 10 min cool down. Around 7:00-7:15 pace for the 800m which is on target.


Cross training - treadmill for 50 mins, 4.2 avg pace @ 3.0 incline + Hot Yoga!

What my snack drawer looks like at work. The Bengal Spice is my new favorite!

Decided to check out a new Hot Yoga place in town, and try their class with weights.  It was great to do something different and I felt really good during and after the class.

I plan on going to another class this week, and then signing up for their first month which is a deal at $30 for unlimited classes.


6 mi / 8:36 pace

Decided to get some new shoes...right foot is rocking a hole..

No, they are not the same. My other color option was hideous.

This was a pretty decent run and hit my target pace for most of the run, barring stopping for ice and avoiding neighborhood cars.


Rest Day

Finally finished Under A Tuscan Sun and started this book! Read it while I walked on the treadmill for an hour after work.


Long Run
14 mi / 9:07 pace

This run was entertaining.

The first 10k was awesome. I was rocking sub 9 minute miles. At the back of my mind, I found it odd that it was supposed to be really windy but wasn't feeling anything.  The trail ended at the 6 mile mark, I turned around, and Oh, hey, there's the wind. So the last 8 miles I ran into 20 mph+ wind. That. Was. Awesome.

However, the views were incredible along this trail.  I ran in Prescott which is around 5000 ft elevation.  These are the Granite Dells.

Seriously, the views were like this most of the time.

Afterwards, I checked out the town of Prescott.

Panera?! What?!

Got an incredible Acai Bowl at a fro-yo place in downtown Prescott.

Wreaths make great necklaces.

Also checked out Trader Joe's which I'm saving my finds for another post. 


Today, I am running a 5k. And ideally lifting later.

Hopefully the weather holds off until after the race.

I am not going for a PR on this one since my entire body is sore. And there appears to be a blister forming on the bottom of my right foot. Which is ideal when you are training for a marathon. Just saying.  May have to return the new shoes...

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