Happy 2016!!!
As promised, let me share my 2016 goals.
- Finish a marathon under 4:30..ok, let's be honest, I want a sub-4.
My goal should probably be just to finish a marathon, but that doesn't motivate me in the slightest.
93 days!
- Finish a half marathon under 1:45.
My only scheduled half marathon is actually in a few weeks: the P.F. Changs Rock and Roll Phoenix. This will by far be the biggest race I run in, so this will be an interesting experience as far as crowds go...
- Finish a 10k under 50:00.
Nothing scheduled yet for a 10k!
- Finish a 5k under 23:50.
Running this one the day after a 14 mile run...so...this goal will probably be reached later in the year..
- Yoga once per week.
Honestly..this is going to be difficult (not like the others aren't..). Any good DVD or YouTube recommendations are appreciated.
Ollie does more yoga than me currently.
- Limit added sugars to no more than 32 g per day.
Oh, sugar is my downfall. My self control has really improved with the candy bowl at work over the past year but... I still have my moments.
Luckily, I don't really care for ice cream. Unless it's Jeni's.
- Feature photos from the Canon monthly on the blog.
Let's hope I've got the camera somewhat figured out by Europe..
- Read a nonfiction and fiction book every month.
Goodreads is an awesome website/app to track you and your friend's latest reads!
There are more goals regarding fun budget stuff, but I need to research that more this weekend. But that's all for now! Here's to 2016!
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