about me

about me

Hi! Just a little about me.

First off, I hang out in trees. Kind of.

I'm Cynthia, a twenty something living in St. Louis, Missouri.

The home of the Gateway Arch.

I was born and raised in Believeland AKA Cleveland, OH.

Baseball is my favorite sport and the Cleveland Indians are my team.

A graduate of THE Ohio State University.

Graduation Day con las hermanas.

Lived in four states: Ohio (obviously), Iowa...

Where I gained at least 10 pounds on a beer-filled donut-lovin' vegetarian diet.


Which is pretty beautiful, in case you can't tell.


St. Louis is quite the baseball town which I appreciate.

and now I am back in The Land!

My running experience is super extensive: three years of middle school track where I sprinted in 100m and 200m.  And then on and off since graduating from college until early 2015, where I started running consistently in Flagstaff.

Trail (left, Machine Solutions 10k, 59:40) or Road (right, Saint and Sinners Half, 13.1, 1:41), I'm down!

My other hobbies include traveling, hiking, and cheering on my Ohio sports teams (Cincinnati not included).

This is what fear looks like on Angel's Landing in Zion.

Also, trying to get back into cooking as well..

However I have an addiction to sweets. I miss you, Dole Whip.

At this time, I have completed several 5ks, 10ks, five half-marathons, and one full marathon.  Current goals are to finish under 3:45 for the marathon, 1:40 for the half, 50:00 for the 10k, and 23:00 for the 5k.

Oh yes, I have a 13 pound cat named Ollie. He yearns for food and attention always.

I hope you enjoy reading about my journey!

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