Four things I learned this week:
1. Do not lift the days between hard runs.
2. This is not an easy marathon training plan.
3. Marathon training is rather tiring. Like go to bed at 7p tiring.
4. Eating an entire pizza the night before a long run still isn't helpful.
My "cross-training" when the weather is nice. I ended up running the last mile or so just keep the heart rate up.
Intervals - 5 mi, 8:47 pace.
Ha. Ha. So I was supposed to hit something like a 7:09 pace for my six 1 minute intervals. I hit that for the first one...not the last five.
It was a pleasant day at least.
How intervals make me feel, knowing that I only hit pace for one of them...
Hide and Seek. Can you spot the cat?
Lifting + Elliptical
Breakfast for champions.
Lunch for champions.
Sunset for champions. (Taken with my new camera)
Tempo - 6 mi, 8:57 pace.
Ok, so I only had to run at a pace between 8:09-8:24 pace for 2 miles but I couldn't do it. I was pretty frustrated. Any tips to meet these paces would be appreciated. Also, this was the point at which I decided to stop lifting between these run days. (My legs were on fire once again which I'm sure didn't help)
It was shorts weather!! At the start of the run. Not at the end.
A girl was riding her horse on the trail. It was a bit majestic.
Lifting + Treadmill
Ollie is concerned I am not resting enough..or just not spending enough time with him.
Rest. AKA attempt to read but end up napping throughout most of the day.
White out conditions. I planned this out well.
Long run - 9 mi, 9:10 pace.
Once again, could not hit the goal pace of 9:02. I swear this will stop being the trend. I blame the hills for the first 7 miles. And the pizza I ate the night before. My bad.
You could totally see Jerome in the mountains.
Yeah, I didn't really want to deal with running in mud or ice in Flag. This seemed more appealing as you can see. But..the hills.
Afterwards, I went on a hike to experiment with my new camera. More to come in a separate post! Spoiler alert: I didn't bring snacks because usually I'm not hungry after my long runs. This time..was not the case.
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