So, had an awesome race yesterday.
Thank you Snapchat for such awesome graphics :P
We started around 10 minutes late...not sure why the start line was right before train tracks..
One day, I will put my bib on straight. One day.
Anyway, my intention was to stay with the 2:00hr pacer, then probably after a mile or so, I was like..screw it. And picked up the pace so I was within distance of the 1:50hr pacer.
I must say... my Garmin came in handy and kept me accountable. I made sure to stick to the same pace thanks to that thing, and when I was going slower, I'd speed right back up.
My most consistent splits ever.
I was thankful that we ended up running on some dirt/gravel paths so it was similar to the Urban Trail. The race was pretty though, you could see the desert mountains in the distance, we ran alongside the canals, through farmland, and then finished next to parade. Which, but strange. It definitely motivated me to have some decent form. Or something close to that.
My end time was 1:49:26, putting me 3rd (it was 2nd..) in my age group and finishing with the first 50 females overall. So..16 minute PR!
The medal may have had a photo shoot at Sunset Point on the way back to Flag.
Afterwards, I took the shuttle back to my car, where my keys were locked in my car. That was pretty intelligent. But forced me to keep standing and moving around so that's my positive :)
Some people eat really unhealthy after they race..instead I decided to use the Jamba Juice coupons they gave us.
Yes, two juices. For the record, I wasn't even hungry. Or so I thought.
After, I went shopping in my Buckeye jersey.
The people at Saks actually...acknowledged me in my total Midwest outfit.
I went to this cool Ohio State bar and was recruited to start the O-H within seconds of sitting down at the bar. Also, let's not talk about that game.
So, in summary! Great race. It's nice to see where I stand in a normal half marathon (where mud isn't half the race, or where there's 1862 feet of climbing).
Now, a week off before marathon training begins!
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