about me

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 running year in review

I'm ready for 2016 already! But first, to share some goals from this past year.

This past August, I decided to make some year-end goals to see if I could accomplish these before the close of 2015.  Let's take a look!

Complete half marathon under 2:07:00
Done x2
2:05:04 - Flagstaff Half Marathon on 9/19 @ 8000 ft altitude
1:49:26 - Gilbert Half Marathon on 11/21 (Whoa, huge PR!)

Looking down because I am terrified that I will trip and fall over the finish line. 

Improve pace from 10:14 to 9:45 for runs over 4 miles
Done! Last few runs...
5.5 mi/8:50 pace (@ altitude)
11 mi/9:05 pace (@ sea level)
6 mi/8:36 pace (@ sea level)
5 mi/8:50 pace (@ altitude)
9 mi/9:06 pace (@ 3000 ft)

My first 10k of the year. Trying to give the camera a thumbs up, instead just showing off my majestic form.

Improve pace from 9:45 to 9:15 for runs under 4 miles
Done! Last few runs... (all at altitude)
3.1 mi/9:02 pace 
3 mi/8:30 pace
3.1 mi/8:17 pace 

A goal not listed but accomplished: Visiting Zion!

Invest in second pair of road running shoes for training
Not done.
Probably the easiest goal to complete too! I am looking into the Brooks Launch 2 as they are on sale..I have no idea what color I want. Help!


Read Eat and Run
A major factor in my decision to go back to the vegetarian life (note: life, not diet).

I can still eat crepes so life is just fine.

Try a new recipe every month
Thank you, Blue Apron!

Also, NatureBox is an obsession.

Update blog every week

Because selfies with Ollie just isn't a good enough hobby.

I am super excited to set goals for 2016 - those will be posted tomorrow before I head off to...

The Fiesta Bowl!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

marathon training week 4

This will be a short post thanks to a lack of sleep...


Chiro appointment - I can move! 


Easy recovery run - 3.1 miles / 9:02 pace (instead of intervals...coming back easy)


Travel to Cleveland!


Tempo run - 6 miles, 1 mile easy, 4 miles tempo, 1 mile easy.

Always nice to run at sea level! And in shorts in December. That's cool too.

Paces were 8:33, 8:19, 8:20, 8:18, 8:15, 8:57; goal tempo is 8:24 - so great run!


Long run the day after tempo..risky but the weather called for it!

Ran on an actual trail for a second there.

Covered bridge! Wahoo!

This would not be a helpful detour.

Goal pace: 9:32...so this also went well :)


Eating. So much eating.


Finishing eating. (Nice Brooks holiday socks too!!)

Needless to say, the nutrition wasn't so hot this week - so gotta get back into gear! I foresee a lot of treadmill in my future...

Sunday, December 20, 2015

marathon training week 3

Let's talk about hips.

My right hip hasn't actually stopped aching since I hiked Mt. Elden in late October. I'm not sure why it took me this long to realize I shouldn't let this persist (stubbornness is probably a pretty good reason) so I decided to see a chiropractor this week.


Monday morning started off well with a nice snow storm, and me falling right outside the apartment. Like total feet gave out from under me, hit my head kind of fall. I actually landed on my left hip so I guess..that's a good thing? It still aches here and there as I write about this on Sunday.

Flagstaff, also, was the coldest part of the country this week...

Anyway, Monday afternoon I saw the Chiro. He mentioned a bunch of "itis" related items concerning my right hip, and took an x-ray.  The electric therapy was different. Definitely made the pain go away for almost a day.  Icing for 5 minutes at a time was his main advice until I went back on Wednesday.

 He gave me this Chinese herbal gel to cool the aching.

I also did 30 minutes of Pilates per a random YouTube video. Ollie was interested.


Technically, the doctor didn't tell me to rest, so I ran per usual.

Intervals - 5 mi, 8:50 pace.

This was hard. Both hips were aching and I had to pause for 30 seconds after each fast interval (around 7:30-7:40), but I got it done. 

20 minute warm up and cool down, then 3 min fast x 3 min easy (x4)


I headed back to the chiro on Wednesday, where he confirmed that I have tendonitis and bursitis in my right hip.  Along with icing, I should be doing a lot more stretching and strengthening. (I strengthen already..but definitely don't stretch). I asked if I should stop running and he said it would help... I feel like that should have been a definite yes after doing research afterwards. (Also, my left leg is shorter than the right I walk favoring one side over the other, and my posture is not great..surprise surprise)

Did I mention how cold it was this morning?

After I got home, I walked it out on the treadmill and started the icing, stretching, and strengthening routine. And decided that I need to skip the next few runs and focus on those three items.


I lifted - but with a lot more stretching.  

Feeling more legit with high socks in the gym.

Less legit afterwards with ice, ice baby.



I literally have to move Ollie so I can ice my hip. He takes it as an invitation to cuddle.


Lifted, added more squats. 


Cross train - biked for 30 minutes, then walked on the treadmill for an hour. AKA got my Parks and Recreation fix in.

Got a healthy dusting of snow this morning.

I never go on this side of town, but there's a secret little post office over here that is open on Sundays..

Overall, kind of disappointing to rest but I have felt an improvement in my hip since focusing on icing and stretching. Hopefully will get back to running soon!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

soldier's pass

After my long run (and two granola bars and coconut water..usually enough..), I had it planned to go on a hike with my new Canon camera. Which hike - I had no idea. So I vaguely remembered the directions to one I read about - Soldier's Pass, and drove on over.

Warning: I barely skimmed some tutorials for the camera so these pictures are not the best. But hey - they're high quality!

The unique feature of this hike are the sinkholes. 

(my f/ setting was too high..)

And I guess these "pools" leading into the second one. I'm thinking they are supposed to be more epic or something.

Here's an example of too much exposure. Learn from my mistakes.

The trail was a bit muddy from the prior day's snow storm.

The views along the way.

To where? I had and still have no idea.

For real, I don't know where the end of the trail was. But I was hungry and sore. So, back I went.

On the way back, I took the Jeep path because I expected it to be flatter - luckily, I was right.

Finally, I made it back to my car and devoured the Nutella snack pack and the remains of the coconut water.

Basically, the learnings from this hike - always bring snacks (and water - didn't have that either), and make note of when the trail is supposed to end, or track it via GPS. This would be a great hike if it started earlier in the day - it joins several other trails which of course, is common in Sedona, but always wonderful.

Monday, December 14, 2015

marathon training week 2

Four things I learned this week:

1. Do not lift the days between hard runs.
2. This is not an easy marathon training plan.
3. Marathon training is rather tiring. Like go to bed at 7p tiring.
4. Eating an entire pizza the night before a long run still isn't helpful.



My "cross-training" when the weather is nice.  I ended up running the last mile or so just keep the heart rate up.


Intervals - 5 mi, 8:47 pace.

Ha. Ha. So I was supposed to hit something like a 7:09 pace for my six 1 minute intervals. I hit that for the first one...not the last five.

It was a pleasant day at least.

How intervals make me feel, knowing that I only hit pace for one of them...

Hide and Seek. Can you spot the cat?


Lifting + Elliptical

Breakfast for champions.

Lunch for champions.

Sunset for champions. (Taken with my new camera)


Tempo - 6 mi, 8:57 pace.

Ok, so I only had to run at a pace between 8:09-8:24 pace for 2 miles but I couldn't do it. I was pretty frustrated. Any tips to meet these paces would be appreciated. Also, this was the point at which I decided to stop lifting between these run days.  (My legs were on fire once again which I'm sure didn't help)

It was shorts weather!! At the start of the run. Not at the end.

A girl was riding her horse on the trail. It was a bit majestic.


Lifting + Treadmill
Ollie is concerned I am not resting enough..or just not spending enough time with him.


Rest. AKA attempt to read but end up napping throughout most of the day.

White out conditions. I planned this out well.


Long run - 9 mi, 9:10 pace.

Once again, could not hit the goal pace of 9:02. I swear this will stop being the trend.  I blame the hills for the first 7 miles. And the pizza I ate the night before. My bad.

You could totally see Jerome in the mountains.

Yeah, I didn't really want to deal with running in mud or ice in Flag. This seemed more appealing as you can see. But..the hills.

Afterwards, I went on a hike to experiment with my new camera. More to come in a separate post! Spoiler alert: I didn't bring snacks because usually I'm not hungry after my long runs. This time..was not the case.