Speedwork, 6.3 mi/8:39 pace
Speedwork at Buffalo Park is what's up.
Hike (2.5 mi)
Hot Yoga Carve
These Scottie dogs were delectable. Probably because they were made from butter.
I will miss being able to walk to this trail from my place!
Oiselle Volee Run, 6.1 mi
Smoked Salmon is my new love.
Last softball game for me.
When you don't have real plates...
Met up with a few local Oiselle Volee runners and one from out of town! It was awesome to meet and run with them! Also.. talking while running can be challenging.
Tempo, 3.5 mi/8:35 mi
My going away lunch was of course, pizza.
Hike (4 mi)
Ollie came into the office for my last day. He was a good guy, very quiet and calm! The dogs would come and visit quite a bit..
Went on one of my favorite Flagstaff hikes after work.
Hike (6 mi)
Went to the Grand Canyon to hike on the South Kaibab down to Skeleton Point. More pics to come!
Hike (13!! miles)
I thought this one was only going to be 10 but that was proven wrong. This was a hike up to Wilson Mountain in Sedona, the highest peak there. My ankle wasn't feeling too hot after so the "long" run was a no go, which I have never skipped but this hike was worth it. Also, more pics to come :)