Since this was the week after the half, decided it was best to take it easy. Sort of.
~5 mile hike through Lockett Meadow to Inner Basin. Trailhead was at 8600 feet, Inner Basin was at 9400 feet. This was a struggle coming the day after the half. However, it was gorgeous. Can't wait to come up here again in a few weeks.
Pretending I have a dog. Don't tell Ollie.
So candid.
Rest/Treadmill until 10k steps.
Sunset on my way over to the grocery store. Which is a daily thing by the way.
Full body strength training at 4a because I'm weird. I regretted this around 2p when I started crashing.
4 mi run before work/the sun rise. Honestly had no idea this was the first day of fall. But it made sense: once I stepped outside the door, I could see my bundling up happened. It's always great to get a run done in the morning if possible.
Negative splits. Elevation loss helps. Also: I didn't want to miss the Pope's arrival..
3 mi treadmill run during lunch. This was not as easy as recent experiences as the treadmill.. probably because I was awake and realized how super boring it was.
Full body strength before work. Took a half day and went down with a friend to West Fork Trail in Oak Creek Canyon and hiked for ~7 miles. This is one of the most popular trails in the area and you can easily see why.
And we finished off the night with peach mint pizza and Echosmith.
Definitely recommend Pizzicletta in Flagstaff!
Concert was done by 10 - I was too happy about this.
The plan was to run 6 miles but my body was not having it due to the prior day's activities. Ended up around 4.4 miles and got some time on a few long hills.
The struggle was so real.
Now, I got my 6.2 miles in this morning, and decided to make it a road day. Had a pretty good pace but need to work on negative splits next time.
Technically my fastest 10k yet though!
I may have lied about my next race. May or may not be signing up for another half in late November - this time in Phoenix. I am very set on this sub-2 even though I feel like going down to Phoenix for it is slightly cheating. More to come.