Yesterday was my long run, and I decided to try out a new trail based on a coworker's recommendation. After researching the trail, I decided to skip the music because there would probably be quite a few mountain bikers - and that was accurate!
Thank goodness for shady runs.
So, I knew there would be a 900 ft elevation gain over the first 4 miles, but then I actually went up another 100 ft to reach a halfway point of some sort.. so that was humbling. The Garmin data really explains it all.
I was worried I was going to run too fast. Obviously, that wasn't an issue.
Anyway, it was a really pretty run with aspen trees and a view of the peaks that I've never seen before.
The aspens!
I attempted running selfies halfway through.
This felt really odd. Luckily, no one was around.
Afterwards, I recovered by just walking a little bit down the road munching on a KIND bar.
Doesn't do the view any justice.
Recovery for the rest of the day consisted of trying to move around at least every hour and of course, eating. I got a pretty awesome blister on my left pinky toe and my calves ached a little bit.
I think this is a nicer picture than a shot of my blister.
I am not quite sure how anyone can NOT end up with negative calories after a long run. You have to eat A LOT to make up for it, and I'm one to talk. Hunger usually hits me the next day...
The first time I ever make pancakes for myself. Delish.
Finally, I've read two interesting books regarding running: Eat and Run by Scott Jurek and What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami.
Scott Jurek is an elite ultra marathon athlete.. he just ran the Appalachian trail.. and one of the main aspects of the book was that his switch to being vegan really pushed his performance to the next level, in his opinion. It makes me curious about going vegetarian again, but I have made great strides in running this year on a normal, meat-involved (but healthy) diet. We will see about that.
Ollie says Hey.
Haruki's book was a bit more relatable for us normal human beings. He is primarily a novelist whose hobby has always been running. He uses it more as an emotional outlet but is still striving to complete a marathon or two every year even though his finish times aren't as good as they used to be. It was an easy read and now I am interested in his other novels.
Pinterest Fail. Supposed to be banana bread cookies. Regardless, I will still eat them because they have dark chocolate chips.
I only used a half cup of these in the cookies. Yes, I ate the rest. And I will finish them tonight. No shame.
Busy week up ahead with work and volunteering - going to try out the heart rate monitor with the Garmin this week!